Factors You Should Consider Before Hiring An SEO Company

Things To Consider Before Hiring An SEO CompanyWhether you are a large corporation or a small business just starting out, you need to have an SEO plan in place. Devising a strategy and carrying it out can be tough at times, but the results will be well worth it in the end. With so many great advantages of search engine optimization, it might be time to hire an SEO company to assist you.

An SEO company realizes many things that you may not have thought about but should do before hiring them. Do you want to be on the first page of the SERPs? Of course, everyone wants those spots. When you hired a local SEO company, did they make that pledge to you? If they did, you might want to rethink working with them. No one can guarantee that your business will get one of the number one spots. While the company that you hire will do its best to get you the best results, it can not say for sure if your website will rank that high.

Doing SEO is a large timely task. You can not perform a few things on your strategy list and call it good. In some cases, it takes weeks or even months. It is a complex system that has varying results. Even if you and another business did the exact same practices, following the same plan, one might rank on the first page, and the other may rank on the 20th. While it is hard to find a plan that works for you, once you do, you will be forever grateful for it.

Content on your site is something that always needs to be on your mind. Content is king and should be treated that way. Yes, you want to incorporate your keywords, but stuffing them here and there just for the sake of using them does not make any sense! Your writing should be something that individuals want to read, and it should make sense. You certainly do not want your content to be bland. If that is the case, your SEO plan is not going to work.

Links are great to utilize, but remember, it is more important to have quality links rather than quantity. Poor-quality links will get you nowhere, even if you have hundreds of them. In fact, it does the opposite and will harm your site.

Google Ads is something you may wish to consider. If you have never used Google Ads, think about testing it out. Even if your budget is not very large, you can still get something out of it by paying a few hundred or so.

To help your website rank, you might consider hiring a local SEO company, such as Local SEO Jacksonville in Jacksonville, FL. With a professional team, they can assist you with all your search engine optimization needs.

How You Can Be Confident That SEO Jacksonville Is Right For You

How to Choose an SEO CompanyWhen looking for an SEO company, there are many to pick from. But do they all deliver the results that you want? You can be confident that SEO Jacksonville will give you the results that you need to make your business thrive.

Search engine optimization can be a tough topic to learn about. There are many things that you must remember to do in order to see results. That is not to say that it can not be done by anyone. But with the right company, such as SEO Jacksonville, you can rest assured that it will be done correctly the first time.

If you have worked with an SEO company before, there are things that they may not have done that would have provided more results. Many companies will not provide an assessment of your existing website. If they do not perform this step, they do not have a base to work from. Add in the fact that you will be wasting your time and money.

Perhaps they did perform an assessment. How often are they doing one? If they do one and that is all, you should look for another company. You should also be able to see the assessment, so you know what is taking place. SEO Jacksonville will execute many assessments to be certain your website’s performance is where it should be.

Let’s take a second to talk about new content. Does your current company provide new content for you on a regular basis? If they do not take the time to do this, you will have to hire another person to generate content for you, which means extra money. And just one more person to deal with. Content does not mean just slapping an article on your website once a week. It means taking the time to create articles that are useful to your clients, developing graphics, videos, infographics, or writing guides that can instruct your customers. Blog posting, emails, social media content, case studies, press releases, and e-books are all forms of content a good SEO company will offer.

If your current SEO company does not consult with you, it is time to drop them. SEO Jacksonville will consult with the business owners and others working for the company before making any plans. This allows the SEO team to see what has or has not worked in the past. Extensive and personalized consults should be provided by the SEO team to ensure that all needs will be met.

Has your current SEO team promised amazing results, but you have yet to see a plan in place? If there is no plan, there will be no results. The strategy the team uses should be outlined, and they should show it to you. You should also be able to check the progress the company is making. If they are not able to show you, ditch them.

You will also want to look at an SEO company that communicates with you. Communication is the only way you will both be on the same page. A good SEO company will realize that without communication, the relationship between them and their clients will fail.

If you have been looking for the right SEO Jacksonville company, consider Local SEO Jacksonville Company. They will do assessments, write content, consult with you, and show you they have a plan in place. All you will have to do is sit back and watch your search engine results become where you wanted them to be.

Content That Improves Your Local SEO

How To Improve Your Local SEOImproving your ranking in search results requires publishing rich local content. You might have spent hours searching for a particular recipe or tutorial that’s worth reading. For doing so, you might have scrolled through Instagram posts or read blogs of local bloggers. We mostly prefer using Google to do our searches and look for the best results for some searches.

You get multiple content types from Google Business Profile, Google Maps, and local reviews even while using Google. If you are a local business, you might already know that local websites find it tough to compete against more prominent brands even if they are widely popular locally. They are usually pushed down further and further in local SERPs.

Speaking of statistics, in 2020, about 65% of Google searches helped users get the information they were looking for from the search results pages. It is 15% more than the previous year. Next is your Google Business Profile and other Google search result features. Previously ranking for local SEO was pretty easy, wherein you merely needed to add your NAP in the footer and build a few directory links. However, with time the competition intensified, and these efforts weren’t enough.

To improve local SEO search results and stay in the competition, you need rich local content. Websites like SEOSELLER.com increased their traffic by over 300% only by creating local content. Similarly, sites like Geek Solutions saw a 300% increase in organic visibility for their Bloomfield Dental Designs through local content. Ranking for less competitive local keywords improves if you create rich local content. For maintaining your website and adding local content to fuel your regional SEO strategy, we have featured nine different kinds of local content that you can recreate with your business.

What Does Local SEO Content Mean?

Texts, images, and videos are all forms of Local SEO content. Collectively they help in meeting the needs of local searchers. They can be anywhere on your website, local landing pages, Google Business profile, etc.

For local businesses that target any specific area or zip code, every content on your website is primarily for residents. You must understand that there isn’t any local SEO magic wand that can instantly drive local traffic to your business. The only difference between usual content and local content is the intent behind the search.

While creating content, think like a local user, local entities, or local semantics to make a deeper connection. The process involves more effort than simply matching local-based keywords in your blog content. When implemented correctly, it works.

What Are Essentials of Creating Local SEO Content?

Consider SEO as a puzzle as you need to put different pieces together. Below we have discussed some basics yet essentials that can considerably increase your chances to rank better for local SEO keywords.

Integrate Schema Markup

With Google search results getting more affluent yet more attractive, the schema has become more crucial. It helps algorithms understand how content relates to each other – adding schema markup for local businesses or authors helps highlight expertise and authority.

Spread Local Key Phrases In Content

Local keyword research is essential for mapping out your content. However, understanding a topic that guides and fits those keywords is more important. Taking a step back and thinking about a business as an entity while sprinkling local mentions can work wonders in your local SEO content.

Well-optimized navigation pages and usage of good meta-titles and meta-descriptions for key local phrases boost your goal conversions from the first month itself.

Write As You Speak

Local voice search is widely popular for local SEO. Surprisingly, 75% of people owning smartphones use them while searching for a local business. Thus while writing an article, you should adopt a conversational tone as it’s easier to target the longer voice search queries for SERPs.

Graphics Are Great For Your SEO

Some of us often ignore images when focusing on local SEO. However, with mobile search leading the way, optimizing your images for mobile searches is essential. Incorporating unique images in square formats and using alt text and schema markup increases your chances to rank better for local search results. Use original and engaging images instead of stock photos that complement your content. Doing that helps in telling a more compelling story.

Organize Local Events

Many of us habit scrolling each Friday to look for some happening events around us. It could be anything from a festival, charity dog wash, or free yoga session. Such events can be an excellent opportunity for local businesses to drive awareness as a marketer. However, you will lose some powerful local SEO mojo if you host any local event without announcements on your website or social media profile.

Blog Content

Blog content is beneficial as a lot of magic happens if you do it correctly. For local businesses looking to compete for local SERPs, the active blog helps in improving your rankings. There are tons of ideas that you can regularly feature in your blogs. It could be a new location announcement, new events, new launches, or your views on some local developments. Even interviews or reviews by famous local personalities can be a subject for your blog.

Improving your ranking for critical local keywords isn’t difficult but can be challenging if you lack experience. Local SEO Jacksonville Company for years has been helping businesses outrank their competitors in and around Jacksonville, FL. Its focus has been to create unique SEO content for its customers and help them get the best results for their businesses.

Importance Of NAP Consistency For Local SEO And E-A-T

Importance of NAP for My Business’s E-A-TBrand consistency is an important thing when it comes to marketing. Your logo, slogan, and colors help your customers to recognize and trust your brand. For online businesses, focusing on NAP consistency is an important element for both E-A-T and Local SEO. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number, and E-A-T stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Defining SEO, NAP, and E-A-T

Most of us are familiar with the acronym SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a practice for optimizing a website in a manner that appears on search engine result pages for relevant search terms. For instance, if you are a dentist in Jacksonville, you would always want to appear among the top results for search terms like “Dentists in Jacksonville”. Small business SEO requires you to optimize your website by integrating the most searched keywords so that you start ranking organically.

E-A-T as mentioned above stands for expertise, authority, trustworthiness. Every business wants to be an expert and a trusted authority in its industry. Besides your customers, it is important to increase trustworthiness with Google and other search engines too.

Importance of NAP consistency for Small Business SEO

Online business listings are an integral part of any business’s digital marketing strategy. These listings act as backlinks and help in build the ng authority of your website. Essentially a link from another website pointing to your website endorses your website which is picked by search engines. However, all such endorsements must provide the same information about your business.

The three big listings on the internet today are Google My Business, Yelp, and Bing Places. Each listing needs to be identical to each other and match every other listing or social media profile you have created. It is important that they also align with NAP information published on your website.

Consistency is important as consumers looking to connect with a local business look for relevant and reliable information. Having inconsistent NAP across the internet affects your trustworthiness making it difficult for your business to appear in search results for local queries.

Importance of NAP for My Business’s E-A-T

NAP inconsistencies adversely impact your local SEO as search engines aren’t confident about the information you are sharing. Your business website can affect a person’s health, professional decisions, or financial health. Google in particular holds websites to the highest standard. Accurate NAP information is a part of this standard.

E-A-T is important as inconsistent NAP information adversely impacts your potential clients or customers. As a customer, if one calls a business and learns that it’s a wrong number or out-of-order, the impression of the business takes a hit. Similarly, if a customer searches for your business online to visit your office and learns that the address was wrong, it creates a negative experience regarding the business.

How to Ensure NAP Consistency for Your Business?

Summarizing the discussion above, we learn that consistency is important. You might not use the same business name as per your business license, but whatever you choose, it has to be the same everywhere.

Some questions you should answer to ensure you are being consistent are:

  • Do you have a limited liability company? Would you like to include “LLC” in your business name?
  • Does your business name contain “and” or an ampersand? Which one will you prefer to use? Never use them interchangeably.
  • Do you have commas in your business name? Stay consistent by keeping them in or leaving them out.

Additionally, consider the manner you wish to list the business address. If it includes a suite number, ensure you spell out the abbreviations and include the specific suite number. Search engines intend to offer their users the most relevant and valuable information. Giving them consistent NAP information everywhere ensures they reward you. Most importantly, your potential customers have a positive first experience with your business.

In case you think you need professional help to take care of NAP, E-A-T, and Local SEO of your business in Jacksonville, FL, contact Local SEO Jacksonville Company. They are an experienced team of professionals who have been serving both big and small customers.

When It Comes To Reviews, Honesty Is The Best Policy

When It Comes To Reviews, Honesty Is The Best PolicyOne of the oldest scams on the books are companies that post fake reviews of a company’s products or services. What many don’t realize is that there are severe dangers for doing this and it’s on the horizon that you’re looking at certain doom if you engage in such practices.

The Problem

The problem is that unscrupulous companies and web-based companies have been engaging in this practice for years without penalty. Well, those good old days are gone and it’s only a matter of time before the hammer falls with a resounding BOOM!

With increasing effectiveness, the search engines and courts are catching and punishing this form of deception. It’s tough to detect and takes lots of caution so as not to cause injury to an honest site owner, but it’s being done in waves.

The Way It Works

The way fake reviews works is, a company or SEO company pays people to write favorable reviews of their own or a client’s services and products. These reviews are seen by both public and search engines as positive and worthy of upward business and search engine position. The same companies and individuals post fake negative reviews on their competitor’s sites hoping to bring them down. It’s dirty and dishonest and serves no good to one and all.

Being Vigilant

Some customers of SEO companies don’t realize that the SEO company is actually doing this and they end up surprised when their sites get banned by the search engines or a knock on the door with a subpeona or warrant shows up. Lawsuits regarding this practice are increasing and the penalties quite substantial in the millions of dollars in fines, and millions in compensation by companies who are victimized by fake negative reviews.

The Dark Side

This is the dark side of the SEO industry. You’re always going to have some clown figure they can beat the system and this practice of fake reviews is worldwide in scope. It’s easier to detect in the US, UK, but in other areas of the world it is rampant. That’s until Google catches on and bans the site and the company’s services and products fall off. It’s difficult to make people honest when they’re either making revenue or forced to do so by criminals and mobsters, the only way to stop it is via Google and other search engine’s algorithms and the public’s alertness.

The Dire Results

If your site is found to have fake reviews and you’re unaware of it, you will have to do some legal stuff quick. The courts will determine if you’ve been part of the scam or a victim. If found a victim you can probably press charges against the SEO company that did this, and you can definitively file a lawsuit when the company is busted for it.

If you’re stupid enough to engage in fake reviews, then you’ve got what your due coming. Better straighten yourself out and get on the honorable side and do it fast.

Get An Honorable SEO Company

Local SEO Jacksonville is a company you can rely on to do the honorable thing. Their staff of professionals know the difference between right and wrong and won’t ever steer you to the dark side of SEO.

Do Not Ignore Social Media Marketing For SEO

Do Not Ignore Social Media Marketing For SEOIt doesn’t take a genius nowadays to realize that social media is of utmost importance in building up one’s website traffic. Just focusing on keywords and links isn’t going to do it and that is why social media marketing is now one of the most important parts of SEO.

Why is social media so important? It’s because social media is the juggernaut by which the internet rolls. Social media has grown to such astronomical size, entire industries are now shaped and supported by it. The sheer number of people online is in the billions and will continue to grow. They rely on social media for googeneral communications as well as shopping, education, and courtships. There’s no area of our lives that social media isn’t attached to. That being said, knowing how to operate social media to your advantage to boost your SEO means a lot of work.

It’s going to take lots of effort to exploit the goodies offered via social media. It means not only signing up for each venue but having an active participation with thousands of other people. You need to target social media sites that contain the keywords to your site. There are several free and pay for tools for analyzing keywords and that is quite helpful. You can bet your top competitors are using these tools as well as ‘boots on the ground’ tactics.

You’ll not have to socialize 24/7 but you will have to spend some time daily if possible or your efforts will be totally useless. You’ll have to find Facebook pages that cater to your niche of business. There you will have to not bully your way in or spam these pages to death, but you’ll have to be a valuable member of that community. This can be fun with fun if you’re really passionate about your line of business. Let’s say for example you’re a plumber with a business in Hogjaw, Tennessee. Well, you’re looking for customers in not only that area but nearby areas. You would target plumbing sites and pages and especially pages with the town of Hogjaw, Tennessee in them. You’ll have your own social media pages up and running with links to your site and contact info. Location too as this helps with ‘Local SEO‘. On these associated sites, you’ll be a good member. Helping out when you can and being a general ‘great person’. Other members will appreciate you for your good nature and expertise. These people will share and like your content and put up links to your site adding to your linkbuilding goals. Linkbuilding is still a vital process for SEO.

Actually, applying your social media skills will bring you a multifold of positive results. The most value comes from organic traffic that not only converts into sales but also retains the surfers for regular business. As people get to know you via social media they will continue to discuss you and your business. Just continue to be a helpful neighbor and you can’t help but go up in the social media communities, but your site will rise to the top of the search engines. Mind you, your social media personal business page has to have as much info about your business as possible. It might get ten times the traffic your main website gets, however, it will be sending you a continued stream of organic traffic which is what you want because your social media page will be considered ‘authority’ and that kind of site is of greatest value to Google. Your main site might not be in authority yet, but your social media page is and getting a link from any relevant authority site is a great ROI.

So as you can see, SEO nowadays needs social media and you do too.

Exaggerating Local SEO Content Could Backfire

Exaggerating Local SEO Content Could BackfireIt is crucial that you create original and relevant content for reinforcing local SEO but overdoing it could be counterproductive eventually. The time-honored axiom ‘the more, the merrier’ does not hold good in the local SEO realm. Waxing eloquent and taking a long-winded route to elucidate a topic or subject is a privilege available mostly to academics but in the dog-eat-eat world of e-commerce, exaggerating content for improving SERP ranking could backfire.

Of late, many businessmen and even some marketing gurus have started treating SEO and content as two sides of the same coin. All of a sudden, it looks as if the content has become the be-all and end-all of any and every local SEO campaign. Until and unless fresh pages are not uploaded on the websites, business owners are left with the feeling that enough attention has not been paid to SEO.

Proprietors and webmasters are relying on a mistaken premise if they assume that verbosity in content would be good for local SEO. Given the fierce competition that exists in the virtual world of trade and commerces your business could take a beating and you may lose clients if you continue with content overkill.

Pages devoted to local SEO usually do not add value

When it comes to buttressing local SEO, the strategy that is usually resorted to by marketers and business owners is to tag extra pages to the site, targeting specific locations in a city. Now, this technique could turn out to be effective if the appendage content is creative and germane but more often than not, this is not the case. The add-on pages usually become doorway pages typified by shallow content and are created chiefly to improve the site’s position on the ranking pages of the search engine.

It is Google, the world’s most admired search engine that defines such extra pages as ‘doorway pages’ and sites using this strategy are not favored by it. Since Google has been punishing sites harboring doorway pages since 2015, owners of such portals have had enough time to get their act together but of late many sites have gone overboard by appending doorway pages. What exactly is a doorway page?

If you’ve numerous pages on your site which are not listed on the ‘home page’ where each is dedicated to a particular city or location and have more or less the same content, then every such page is a ‘doorway page’. Google simply discourages the practice of adding on doorway pages with the expressed objective of improving local SEO ranking. Though the intention behind developing such pages may be commendable in theory, in reality, the end results are not good.

Clicking on any one or all the doorway pages takes the user to the same place which in the end could be frustrating for him or her. Therefore, if business owners are made aware of the futility of affixing ‘doorway pages’ to their sites, they’ll be able to frame a more efficient local SEO stratagem.

How many pages should you actually add?

Businessmen for the purpose of improving traffic to their sites will have to adopt an efficient technique with regards to reinforcing local SEO. Hence, proprietors would be eager to know about the exact number of pages they should be adding to their sites and how frequently should they conduct this exercise. Towards this end, it’d be appropriate to say quality matters more than quantity and so just adding 15-20 pages every month will not be fruitful.

To hit the nail on the head, you or your site would be doing better if you append 1-2 pages having inventive and original content, once in a month.        

5 Local SEO Tips for Boosting Up Your Business

5 Local SEO Tips for Boosting Up Your BusinessIf you thought that SEO or search engine optimization that used to be a sine qua none for businesses looking to boost their online sales was losing its edge, then think again. That SEO and SEMM promotional methods are still a force to reckon with can be gauged from the following statistic: Agencies manufacturing or marketing different products and services and having an online presence will be investing upwards of $79 billion in local SEO. So, if you have a storefront in a residential neighborhood or a retail outlet in your city’s CBD, then you’d be better off spending more on local SEO promotion for increasing the online visibility of your brand.

Following are some local SEO tips you can abide by for improving the popularity of your product or service across the Internet:-

1. Rich Answers

Many users and online shoppers searched for a specific product or service or browsed for info on a particular subject not by keying in keywords but by typing questions. The practice of browsing on the net by framing questions has now become an established trend. Google cemented its popularity as the world’s most favorite search engine by providing ‘Rich Answers’ to users and they don’t need to click on SERP results for getting the relevant info.

Info via ‘Rich Answers’ is furnished in the form of snippets, maps, sliders, tables, forms, and charts. If you own a bakery establishment and the business is cataloged in ‘Google My Business’ listings, users or consumers will be directly driven to your site when they’re looking for baked goods recipes.

2. NAP

Contrary to what you may think, NAP is not an esoteric acronym or abbreviation but simply stands for name, address, and phone number. Though it doesn’t need to be emphasized, providing this elementary info on your site is crucial as search engines consider NAP data when they embark on local SEO drives. Also, make sure that your NAP details are identical across all listings.

3. Reviews

Positive reviews can impact your site’s ranking during a local SEO initiative. If your product or service wins rave reviews across the different automated social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, these will go a long way in boosting your ware’s popularity. However, it can be a challenge to encourage consumers to upload positive feedbacks or testimonials. You can begin getting in touch with your steadfast customers and requesting them to write their genuine opinions regarding your product.

4. Register your site on local business directories

You’ll be giving a good fillip to your business if you register the same on local business directories and yellow pages. At the same make sure that the NAP information you provide is consistent with the data already visible on other citations.

5. Smartphone friendly

People are increasingly using their smartphones for going online in order to complete a host of routine activities like shopping, researching for information, and so on. So, making your site smartphone-friendly is crucial if you want to stay in the competition.

Twitter: New Features Hint at Snapchat App Influence

Twitter: New Features Hint at Snapchat App InfluenceTwitter is, by all means, one of the most popular to-date social media apps that have taken the consumer market by storm, with millions of users and thousands or more signing up and using it’s service regularly. Twitter, however, much like other major social media sites has had its share of challenges in generating new users and popularity, given Facebook’s heavy advance on the consumer market, often taking other social media users by the ‘herds’.

Over the past year, Twitter has innovated several of its own unique, strategies in the form of features – most recently, the “Stories” feature which essentially grabs and compiles (or “stitches”) all your Tweets from the same day and presents it to your followers in a unique, organized, and thoughtful way.

However, Twitter’s most recent feature is perhaps likened to that of Snapchat’s, which allows it’s users to send temporary, “self-dissolving” pictures or video feed to its followers. Though, unique to its cause, it (supposedly) will also allow the original Sender to be notified whether or not recipients have viewed, ‘screenshot’, or shared their image or video. Though in all fairness, it can be considerably difficult, given today’s technologically advanced users to track ‘per say’ whether anyone has truly screenshot the image, or in the case of a video re-recorded it. After all, for every new “anonymous”, private, or self-deleting form of media there appears to be at least 5 to 10 different new programs that likewise are designed to, ironically enough anonymously capture the content.

Now, whether this new image/video feature by Twitter is truly a knockoff so to speak of previous Snapchat technology is difficult to say for certain. However, more often than not, social media sites, apps, and technology, in general, seem to often ‘hijack’ one another’s ideas. But, most people might simply consider this a form of innovative thinking, rather than actual theft or a lack of originality.

Image Credit: Mizter_x94

6 Tips for Local SEO That You Can Advantage of

6 Tips for Local SEO That You Can Advantage ofThough the SEO landscape has come a long way and evolved tremendously over the years, its significance in the world of websites hasn’t diminished at all. SEO remains as relevant today as it was during the days when Google was steadily progressing to become the world’s most admired search engine. Google, in order to maintain its top position in the search engines’ listing, updated its ranking algorithms several times in a year.

The world’s top search engine still releases algorithmic updates for ranking countless websites secured on its servers, only the parameters have undergone change, a sea change in fact. For instance, updates to Penguin or Panda are more geared towards sites that are smartphone-friendly. More than 60% of those who log into sites (for completing a purchase or seeking relevant info) do so from portable digital devices, mostly smartphones.

Another factor worth noting is that the updates accord significant weightage to sites that are promoted by taking advantage of a local SEO strategy. If you have a business website, especially an e-commerce site whose SEO marketing technique doesn’t incorporate local or regional demographic, then chances of your site not garnering a good rank or even getting delisted from Google’s servers are quite high. So what tips should you follow to have an effective local SEO plan in order to attract niche clients for your business?

1. Register your site with Google My Business

The very first and foremost local SEO tip that you should make the most of is to register your business with Google My Business. You may have a state-of-the-art site that you claim to be user-friendly but it could be that the same is not visible to many individuals as it is not displayed prominently. Once you subscribe to Google My Business, your site’s name, business address and hours, reviews, and nearness to user’s location will be visible on the SERP (search engine ranking page) whenever a user makes a Google search of your firm.

Just go to the Google My Business to complete the registration or listing process.

2. It pays to have an interactive and smartphone-friendly site

Are you aware that majority of your present clients may have logged into your web-based outlet via their handheld PDAs, like smartphones and tabs? It is also very likely almost all your future customers will get in touch with you after visiting your site from their portable devices. If users or prospects face issues downloading and/or navigating through your portal on their mobile digital gadgets, they’ll not waste time in moving on to competitors’ sites.

So, if you haven’t yet structured your local SEO site to make it smartphone-friendly, then it’s high time you did.

3. Make local SEO listing consistently across the web board

In order to make your presence felt throughout the web world, you can choose to register with local indexing sites, besides Google. But before you proceed to enlist your business with such listing sites, you’d need to ensure that the NAP (name, address, and phone number) info is always provided. Additionally, make sure that this info is correct and identical in all the listings including but not limited to:-

  • Angie’s list
  • TripAdvisor
  • BBB (Better Business Bureau)
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Foursquare
  • Yelp
  • Local commerce guilds and federations
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Telephone directories, white pages, and yellow pages

4. Benefit from testimonials and feedbacks about your service

It has become the norm for businesses, both small and big to maintain separate profiles for the different social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. Customers, shoppers, and buyers of products and services are prone to offering a review or feedback on such automated social media sites at the drop of a hat. Refashion your local SEO in a way so that customers are encouraged to write a positive review about your product or service.

5. Target local ad extensions

Make the most of Google AdWords in order to publicize your business in the locality or neighborhood you’re located. Once you subscribe to Google AdWords, users will be able to know more about your business’s location that’ll give them the confidence to get in touch with you via a ‘call button’.

6. Develop content that’s relevant and location-based

Develop content that is original, meaningful, and relevant to your business. Also, make sure that the content is orientated towards the locals, and is tempered with names of streets, local news, events, and happenings.