All the tricks and tips, tactics and techniques one may use for their SEO campaigns won’t mean jack squat if one doesn’t keep an eye on the prize and a solid hands on the helm.
What we’re talking about here is both planning and discipline. Focus and sanity. Knowing what you can and should do under any circumstances. If you plan properly you’ll be able to remedy any situation that rolls up on you.
First of all, combining your SEO strategies with your SEO friendliness. Both are important and shouldn’t conflict with one another. It can be done relatively easy and you shouldn’t try to bulldoze your way through, just take some time to analyze things objectively and sanely. This means having a knowledge or the technical end of SEO and the social and entertaining end of SEO. Basically a combination of the science of SEO and the art of SEO.
One might think that SEO doesn’t deserve to be listed as a science or an art, but in effect it does deserve such classifications.
It takes a lot to get the technical grip on SEO to make those SEO strategies work. It takes insight, innovation, creativity to make SEO friendly sites. There’s some style here and making a marriage between the two is the goal. Once that’s done, your efforts should be more simple.
Next, is knowing what Google and the other search engines want. That’s simple enough because the fundamentals of a successful site haven’t changed much and are applicable to one’s mobile SEO efforts as well. This means a well laid out website that has enough relevant and significant information regarding your business niche. Here is where staying focused comes into play.
Knowing what your audience wants and needs is the first stage. Providing that via text, video, pics, graphics, is the next phase. The final phase is combining all of that into a coherent site that gets the attention of the search engines to such a point that it ranks high for the keywords, keyword phrases, and keyword groups.
That’s the basic approach and sane one. Mobile calls for a bit more as its still new ground but growing at an alarming rate. There are tools at Google to help out and more on the way but with Google upgrading their algorithms and applying new software without notice, they can upend one’s SEO efforts considerably and this is why being thorough with the basics is most important.
Remember, all the bells and whistles may make your site look good, but without sound balance between technology and strategy you’ll end up in trouble. Things like Flash and other visual apps might not register right with the search engines. What does is HTML text and that should be applied everywhere applicable. All objects should have that alt text to them with no spelling errors. That text had better contain relevant words and phrases to the site’s niche too. Especially where blogs are concerned, you’ve go to understand that blogs on a website boost that site’s traffic immensely. Statistics prove this out and that blog should be updated regularly and any pics or videos presented have to be titled and tagged relevantly.
That’s all it takes to have a balance between SEO strategy and SEO friendliness. Knowing the tools and techniques and technologies behind them all isn’t that difficult even for newbies. It’s when you get unfocused, confused, your eyes getting too big for your belly, do you end up in trouble.
So buckle down and stay focused. Keep those eyes on the prize and keep sailing on.
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