The Mysterious Benefits Of Social Media And SEO

 The Mysterious Benefits Of Social Media And SEOSocial media is still shaking up the SEO world. At first, webmasters and marketers were slow to catch on, but those who did are now wealthy. They saw the advantage of using sites like Twitter, YouTube, and then Facebook. Now with hundreds of social media sites all over the world, the smart marketer knows which ones they can use to maximize their SEO campaigns.

Things can go haywire and become overwhelming. Some marketers do nothing more than take advantage of social media to make anything they want to go viral. They’ll have hundreds or thousands of Facebook pages and likewise pages on Twitter, Reddit, YouTube and more. Each one intertwined with each other as well as their regular websites and blogs. Some of these campaigns pull in tens of millions of people per day. They’re literally engineers of SEO and social media and bring in the big six figures and seven and eight figure incomes.

They know how to push something into the limelight, and the average marketer can’t figure out how to take advantage of social media like the bigshots can but it’s not out of the picture because the social media pie is so huge and growing everyday that by using some simple strategies, the small company can do some serious damage and boost their stats through the roof.

Social media isn’t the place for spam. Start annoying people and the social media networks, the members, and search engines will be chasing you down while carrying torches and pitchforks. Social media expansion of your SEO campaigns means basically knowing the basics and how to blend in and post things that are of interest and unique quality that ties into your site, products, and services, but doesn’t beat the surfers over the head with. There are some Black Hat aka dishonest or disreputable approaches but they usually get the users beat down. You on the other hand have to sign up to the social media sites. Use your business name and make sure your contact and url data is prominent. Post interesting things but don’t emblazon your company name and URL all over the place. People should be able to see that via your name. If you want to get social media traffic to your site and not look spammy, then set up a separate url that focuses on something related to your business that you can post interesting posts about that lead directly to your site. For example, if your business is pool cleaning, then you set up a separate site about funny things regarding dirty pools or funny water play. Pics showing people swimming, having funny mishaps, animals getting into the pools, you would post and repost and comment on.

People will see that and venture to your site where you can then lead them on.
If you’re smart, people will feel a sense a loyalty and dependence on you to provide them with entertainment and will trust you more should you offer your services and products.

Expanding Your Social Media Presence For SEO

Expanding Your Social Media Presence For SEOSocial media and social networking is how business is done nowadays. Without a presence, without acumen in how to do things, you’re going to be so far back of the pack that you might as well not even exist.

It’s not a philosophical issue, but one of the reality of today’s marketing. Without a social media presence you’re not going to get far especially if you’re selling your services and goods.
Clients are always looking for the best fort he lowest cost. That’s it in an nutshell. If no one knows you exist, you could have the next best thing to sliced bread and it wouldn’t do you any good.

It’s a nightmare if you don’t know how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest. You’ll need to hire a social media marketer and they can cost a fortune. These experts charge a lot and for good reason, they usually get results, but the field is chock full of scammers and other criminals who promise to make you a viral sensation overnight but all they do is take your money and either don’t do a thing or do a superficial showcase of their own ill gotten links, trades, shares, that makes Google boil with anger and will get your site penalized or beaten so far into the ground reputation-wise that it would take a miracle to pull you back.

You can study up on how to do social media marketing but by the time you get the course or instructions, the information inside is so old it’s no longer effective. The pros aren’t going to display their secrets, no, they’re going to hog them to themselves because they know there’s no shortage of ne’er-do-wells just waiting to take their place and squeeze them out of the market.

So how does one battle these obstacles? By first realizing that it takes patience. It takes planning and follow up. You’re going to get people to pay attention to you and then your business. Make sure your website or blog is up to snuff. Meaning, it’s professional, with proper spelling, well tagged and relevant pics, good to great copywriting, a sitemap, NAP (Name Address Phone) in prominent placement and engaging presence so that people will show up, convert, and retain. That’s it. That’s your goal and a few simple steps can get you on your way.

First of all, get yourself your personal and business accounts on these social media networks. Once that’s done, become friends with those in need of your services and products. If you’re a pet grooming service then look for people in your area who have pets. Look for the fan clubs of those pets too. Share their pictures and videos and validate them for their posts and contributions. People will grow toward you and when you speak, they’ll listen. Don’t spam them, don’t overwhelm them, just keep conversations natural and never, ever get into a fight or debate.
Soon, you’ll see your influence grow. You’ll be in contact with people who are organically interested in what you do. When that person shows off the horrible haircut their prized poodle got, you dive right in and let it be known that your company would never allow such a thing to happen and how you will offer to fix the problem for free. The person will almost faint. A free doggie do? Others will notice the generous offer and when you’re done and the job is spectacular, you have a legitimate claim to fame that you can milk for years to come. Opportunities like this are what make or break you. Let’s say a comparative photo shows what the poodle looked like ‘before’ and ‘after’ with your URL at the bottom of it. It’s going to be posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the rest for a long, long time, ever driving more traffic to your social media pages, websites, and blogs.
See how simple it is? It take patience, it takes some good old fashion good communication and showing off what you do best.