In case you own and operate a proprietorship firm or have just established a startup, you might be very guarded and circumspect investing your scarce financial resources. So, you may consider allocating resources for small business SEO a dispensable and futile expense as you believe that SEO is not as effective as it used to be for promoting a firm or enterprise. Nevertheless, contrary to what you think, the significance of SEO is growing day by day vis-à-vis all the concomitant segments of trade and commerce.
Hitherto, SEO used to be indispensable for medium and large-scale outfits but with passage of time the online marketing strategy is proving to be equally vital for small and micro-sized businesses.
Defining SEO
Apparently, small business SEO may appear quite simplistic to you but in reality it can be remarkably complicated than you may envisage. SEO is not just about developing meaningful, original content, and keying in the relevant keywords but also about paying attention to other aspects that can be categorized under the heads of ‘on-page’ and ‘off-page’ optimizations. On-page optimization means taking steps for bettering your business portal’s ranking across SERPs of search engines like intuitive webpage design, fast loading times, and smooth navigation.
On the other hand, off-page optimization involves efforts to build quality links so that your e-commerce site becomes popular across the net and attracts a high volume of quality traffic. At the same time, implementing measures to bolster presence on automated social media platforms is also an off-page optimization endeavor.
Getting Started
It would be very imprudent on your part to completely disregard small business SEO simply owing to the technique’s complexity. You’d be investing much less on a search engine optimization plan for generating incoming traffic (read online leads) compared to your investments for engendering outbound or offline leads (through cold calling for instance). However, you’ll have to spare sufficient time for devising an intelligent and workable SEO campaign which you’ll have to find if you sincerely wish your business to grow and develop.
To say the least but not the last, once you get the hang of SEO, you’ll be in a position to take advantage of the following tips for improving your site’s position on the search engine results page of Google or Yahoo.
1. Local SEO-Though your business is much smaller than MNCs and big companies, you enjoy an edge over the latter as Google gives preference to local content. However, you need to have a clear idea about who comprises the local audience if you want Google to favor your business over the large corporations. You can make the most of the web-based tool, ‘Google Keyword Planner’ for punctuating local content with keywords running into many words or a long phrase.
Look for extensive phrases that capture the essence of your business, and create content revolving around such phrasal keywords. Most importantly, if you’ve more than one business address, ensure that the NAP is consistent for all locations throughout the web.
2. Link Building–Link building is extremely crucial for augmenting the visibility of your site across all social media sites and other web-oriented platforms. Hire established bloggers to write quality guest posts, request your steadfast customers to write positive feedbacks about your product or service so that your site receives maximum publicity. Alternatively, steer clear of black hat methods and spamming techniques if you want to avoid getting penalized by Google.
3. Social Media-Automated social media can go a long way in driving more traffic towards your site. Therefore make sure that you routinely post fresh content on Facebook and Twitter.
In order to tap the aforementioned small business SEO to the optimum, you can log in at or make a call to 904.425.9679.